Shinhyeok Oh

I obtained a master’s degree in computer and communications engineering from the Kangwon National University, under the guidance of Prof. Harksoo Kim. I am currently working at 42dot as a Generative NLP Engineer, and enjoy discussing topics related to transfer learning and knowledge distillation. Specifically, I find pleasure in exploring ways, such as self-supervised learning, domain adaptation, and multi-modality, to extract value from other tasks, domains, or previously overlooked resources for the intended objective.

Google Scholar: Link
LinkedIn: Link
CV: Link

Research Interests

Transfer Learning, Large Language Models, Multimodality


Academic Activities

International Publications






Domestic Publications


Year Award
2023 1st Place, Open LLM Leaderboard (as of Oct 4, 2023) @Huggingface (as a team member) [Link]
2021 The First Place in the APE Task @WMT, EMNLP 2021 (Automatic Post-Editing) [Link]
2020 Special Prize in Korean Language Information Processing Competition (Chatbot)
2020 Special Prize in Korean Language Information Processing Competition (Sentiment Analysis)
2019 Bronze Prize in Korean Language Information Processing Competition (Dependency Parsing)
2019 Gold Prize in 1st Kangwon SW Festival [Link]
2018 Grand Prize in Korean Language Information Processing Competition (Dependency Parsing) [Link]

Invited Talks

Teaching Experience

Skills (Language & Framework)

python Pytorch Tensorflow Java C CSharp Android HTML5 CSS3 Javascript SpringBoot